Fashion Internship Advice

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How to Introduce Yourself

Entering a new office can be like inheriting a new family. Unlike your blood-bred family or sorority sisters, your internship is not filled with friendly faces eager to know the ins and outs of your day or hold your hand on Saturday night excursions. You’re a stranger. And not only are you a stranger, you’re a number. One number of the tens of interns that grace their company every six months. But, being one of the millions does not have to be your identifier. Introduce yourself!

On the first day of your new internship, your boss may or may not walk you around and introduce your cheery smile to every cubicle covered face. While scenario A (being walked around) may be preferable, your brief introduction does not stop there. Don’t let their names go in one ear and out the other. Remember everyone’s names to the best of your ability and give them a friendly “hello” in passing. You’ll be remembered and maybe even called upon for special duties.

If you’re not walked around, don’t give up! You’ll see these people every day getting coffee, in the elevator, and maybe even walking to work. Take it upon yourself to introduce yourself. They’ll be impressed, because most interns don’t do this. You’ll make yourself a face, not a number.

Beyond the days of your internship, knowing the employees in your office is fantastic networking. Over the summer, I made the point to get to know a temp who was helping the PR firm plan and execute the massive event called New York Fashion Week. On my last day (yes, my last day), I stayed way after hours to help him sort out a guest list debacle. Besides being helpful, I was remembered. How do I know? I just recently ran into him at an event where we shared a nice catch-up conversation. It’s nice to know I have him as a connection in my back pocket.