Nine Tips to Rock Your Summer '19 Fashion Internship — Fashion Internship Advice
Nine Tips to Rock Your Summer '19 Fashion Internship

Nine Tips to Rock Your Summer '19 Fashion Internship

Whether you’re still in the midst of finding the perfect internship or grinning ear-to-ear in your new cubicle, you need a game plan. A game plan of how to make this internship season the most influential and successful season yet. Whether you’re seeking an employment invitation or a stellar reference, here are nine tips of wisdom to become the number one intern in your office.

1. Go above and beyond

Channel the over-achiever in you and don’t just go the extra mile, sprint a marathon. Say your boss tells you to create a list of twenty fashion bloggers to check out. Don’t find twenty; find thirty. Not only does this give your boss more options, it shows that you were willing to do ten times more work out of sheer ethic. Asked to do it in an hour? Do it in forty-five minutes (if you can, don’t sacrifice quality). This produces a wow-factor, and proves your phone is tucked away in your bag.

2. Ask about priorities

Monday fever inevitably leads to a slew of emails requesting aid from plugging and chugging numbers to scouring Refinery29 for a brand mention. On top of your daily duties, a brain overload ensues. Instead of receiving a heart-pounding email thirty minutes later requesting one of the many assigned projects, start off the day wishing your boss a good morning and inquiring which task he or she would like you to complete first. You’re not bugging them. This simple question is appreciated and will allow you to work more efficiently.

3. Stick to deadlines

Assignment overboard happens. Get used to it. Unless you have a night class to rush off to (which your boss should already know about, FYI), stay that half hour later to complete all of your assigned daily duties. This simple twist of your time shows you’re a dedicated intern who is committed to producing top-notch work, no matter the elements.

Side note: Even if you don’t have a project but have the extra time, stay late. Stay later than all of the other interns to put a hard dent in your downtime duties. Over the summer, I made an effort to get to the office before my boss and stay almost as late as my boss everyday. This extra dedication was not only noticed by my boss (who continuously told me to go home), but by the rest of the office (who also told me to go home).

4. Watch the clock

Just like you are limited to a select time slot to complete your econ exam, your internship assignments also adhere to a ticking clock. Don’t put the digital clock hiding in the right corner of your Mac into your peripheral view. Watch it. Closely.

Caution: Don’t rush. Stay cognizant of time, but also pay attention to detail. You want to submit quality work in a timely manner.

5. Keep it concise

As the work day trudges along, your inbox seems to inflate by the minute. Instead of responding to each email individually, giving your boss a headache of inbox overload, read all of your emails and concoct one email answering every assignment and inquiry.

6. Stay one step ahead

We all get confused. We’re human. It could be a reference to a conversation you have zero recollection of, or an Excel mishap. Problems like these give us the impulse to run to our boss screaming “OMG, help me, help me!” A tip: just breathe. Before asking your boss for an explanation, tap into your inner Nancy Drew and try to solve the mystery yourself. Reread an email chain or two, and Google your questions. Asking your boss should be your last resort.

7. Act professional

Acting professional is not defined as a tone of voice and a skirt suit; it’s an attitude. Professionalism covers the basics: don’t be late; don’t ask to leave early because you’re just bored; no flip flops or crop tops; saying deuces to Facebook for eight hours; not making a list of alcohol to buy for your sorority (true story). It’s basic, common courtesy.

8. Be helpful

Every office needs an angel. Flutter your wings to the dirty dishes sitting in the sink and the empty paper tray sitting in the printer. Fulfill the tiny duties everyone overlooks (and doesn’t want to do). Have some free time? Ask other departments if there is anything you can do to help them out. Offering your help is a great way to build relationships with the entire office and stay busy.

9. Close your mouth and lock away the key

Leave the school girl banter at the door and refrain from gossiping about ANYONE. Emphasis on “ANYONE”. You may be graced with the presence of a fellow intern who finds her phone a higher priority than her work email. As much as it kills you inside that you and the other interns have to make up for her nonchalance, save your distaste for lunch breaks and weekend coffees. Chances are your boss is already aware of this problem. If he or she overhears your chitchatting about her incompetence, it makes you look like a complainer. Be the bigger person (at least in the office).

There you go – All the tips and tricks you need to make this Summer the best internship season yet. You got this!

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