My video letter to you: Coronavirus sucks, but don't turn into a potato! — Fashion Internship Advice
My video letter to you: Coronavirus sucks, but don't turn into a potato!

My video letter to you: Coronavirus sucks, but don't turn into a potato!

Some things you may going through that totally suck:

  • You getting shipped back from your European study abroad program

  • Your Spring internship getting cancelled

  • Not knowing if you’ll be able to get a Summer internship

  • Possibly not having a proper college graduation

  • Feeling uneasy about the post-grad job market you’re entering into

I’m here to tell you that everything will be OK. You are allowed to have your moment of wallowing in your own sadness, followed by freaking the f*ck out. But don’t let it linger. Don’t hang on to it to the point it renders you unable to take action and adapt to your new norm.

I’m here to tell you that out of anyone, your generation is the most prepared to handle this shift in the way we work. Just like you may be horrified by your professor's inability to use video conferencing, guess what? Your future boss may be equally tech-illiterate. Most companies have sent their employees home, meaning 100% reliance on technology to stay connected and to keep business going. This is second nature to you. Find remote opportunities, or create your own.

I’m here to tell you that once you accept the uncertainty of the job market, both internships and full-time roles, you will be able to move on. Yes, it will be tough. Yes, the hiring process may be slower than usual. But there is nothing you can do to change that. Focus on what you DO have control over. Be proactive and take advantage of this time. Prepare. Better yourself. It is easy to sink into the comforts of being in your hometown. Resist the urge to binge watch every reality dating TV show. Instead, finalize your resume. Perfect your LinkedIn profile. Start blogging. Practice interviewing. Learn Photoshop. Read a relevant book. Do yoga. Listen to motivational podcasts. Invest in yourself, your future, and your mental wellbeing. Don’t turn into a potato.

I’m here to tell you that people still get hired during economic downturns and layoffs. The lights have not turned off. Are there less job opportunities? Yes. Will it be harder than usual? Hell yes. You know who gets those jobs? The people who don’t stop trying. The people who remain competitive, persistent, and present.

I’m here to tell you that your first job will most likely not be your dream job. And that’s OK. Coronavirus is not to blame for this, it’s just a part of life. Don’t get discouraged, and don’t let it break your heart. This is just part of your story, and while you may not believe this, your passions are bound to change. Your priorities and interests will shift with age. But for now, stay focused and think long term. Ask yourself, while this job or internship may not be perfect on paper, will it put me on the right path?

This will pass. The worst thing you can do right now is nothing. I urge you to take this time to prepare, so when life and business gets back to normal, you are more than ready.

You got this.



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