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How To Know If An Interview Went Well

We’ve all been there – the relentless obsessing if last night’s date went as well as you thought it did. Was it just “nice to meet me?” When will they pick up his phone and text me? If only we possessed the power to read every compliment or insult running through their mind! Just like we fret over these silly, frustrating dates, walking out of an interview is just as anxiety prone. While you’re not wondering if your crush meant to brush up against your hand on the stroll to the subway just before you doze off, after an interview, you obsess over every little question the interviewer asked. Was the interview too short? Were my answers good enough? How many other candidates are being interviewed? Forget about receiving the a casual “hello,” or “wyd?” text, now you’re anxiously waiting for the wonderful notification of a new message in your inbox after the big interview.

Instead of gluing your phone to your hand, here are some ways to know that your interview went well (you’re on your own about the romantic date though.)

They ask for references

One surefire way to know if an employer is interested in hiring you is if they ask for references. It shows that they’re very interested in knowing what kind of a worker you are. They wouldn’t spend the time contacting your previous employers if they weren’t interested! In case this (hopefully) happens, make sure you come prepared with a printed list of three to five references. A printed list is much more presentable than writing them down on the fly.

The difference between 15 minutes & 30 minutes

Even though the measurement is only in minutes, there is a huge difference between a fifteen minute interview and a thirty minute interview. The longer the interview, the more apparent it is that you’re hitting it off with the employer and that they’re interested in learning more about you. They’re very busy people who wouldn’t waste their time talking to someone they saw no potential in. One way to instigate a lengthy interview is to keep the conversation flowing at a reasonable pace by not rushing through your questions and answers. Take time to think what you’re going to say. Not only will your answers be better, the conversation will be more developed.

A second date!

Your date finally texted you! Yay! Just as a casual “hey” proves that they like you back, an employer asking to meet again is a great sign that the interview went well and they want to see more of you. They may even introduce you to other members of their team. Basically – it’s the best sign.

Have any stories of a time an interview went really well? Share it with us!